
Next Meeting: March 3. Total Eclipse of the Sun. Don Esber

Doors open at 6:30 with meeting at 7 pm

Upcoming Meetings at Lord of Life Lutheran Church

Mar 03, 2025 Total eclipse of the Sun, Don Esber
Mar 17, 2025 My Book Report on the One Cent Magenta, John Carlisle
April 7 TBA
April 21, TBA
May 5, Spring Dinner

Worthington Stamp Show for 2024

The 2023 show was a great success!

63th Annual Worthington Stamp Show 2024

The 2024 show will not be held due to lack of a suitable venue


New Meeting Information

Lord of Life Lutheran Church

2480 W. Dublin Granville Rd (161)

Columbus, Ohio 43235

Rt 161 Between Rt. 315 and Sawmill Rd. (North side of 161, just past the Old Church Book Store)

First and third Mondays of the month

We will also be having a Fifth Friday hangout at Villa Nova, when there is a fifth Monday.

Worthington Stamp Club 2023 Picnic

The Worthington Stamp Club Picnic will be held in September 24, at Jason Manchester’s, beginning at 12:30 P.M. Please bring a covered dish to share; meat, plates, silverware; and soft drinks will be provided. Please let Club Secretary Don Esber know if you plan to attend. Jason Manchester, 1047 OBERLIN DR. 614 457-1150 jasonmanchester3@icloud.com Please bring a covered dish and a jovial disposition. The club will provide tableware, meat, buns, and soft drinks. The activities will start at around 12.30pm with food at around 2 pm.

Worthington Stamp Club Dinners

We will be planning dinners at Schmidt’s in 2023. A German buffet is planned, including cream puffs. There will be a pay bar prior to dinner. $20.00 pp for dinner. No money now, just sign up at a meeting or email Club Secretary Don Esber.

APS Info on COVID-19 with advice for collectors and current show information

Worthington Stamp Club meets at

Lord of Life Lutheran Church

2480 W. Dublin Granville Rd (161)

 As always many of us will meet at Villa Nova after the meeting for pizza and refreshments.

Be sure to stop in and see what the Worthington stamp club is all about.  Every year in December, the Worthington Stamp Club hosts a two day  “Show and Bourse” with dealers tables, “free stuff tables”, and exhibits.  Please join the stamp club to be part of this exciting annual event!   In 2022, the 2 day show will be held on  December XX and XX, 2022.  

If you missed previous meetings, then you missed terrific opportunities to hear about :

“Using the Internet for Research”, or “Buying on Ebay”, or “Ohio Railroad Stations and Depots”, or “Street Car Mail”, or “Worldwide Design Errors”, or “Cummins J Dial Postmarks”, or “U.S. Carriers and Locals”, “Selling on Ebay”, Harry Potter Exhibit, Philatelic Tour of Denmark, Stamp Forgeries Part 1, rural mailboxes, or history and stamps of Papua and New Guinea.  

Our meetings run from 7:00 PM until about 7:30 and then we migrate to Villa Nova on High Street for pizza, refreshments, and philatelic discussions.  It is a great way to relax, chat about events of the day and get to know each other better.



Copyright © 2014 Worthington Stamp Club
Designed and Developed by: Beth Rich